It’s repetitive, prone to errors, and time-consuming, but you have to do it.

So you have a manual process and to do it, you use one sheet, or five or ten. Copy and paste from the first spreadsheet to the one that helps you with “that” calculation, then to another that helps you with that lookup, and this takes one hour, or five or ten. It’s a repetitive job, but it’s important, it takes way too long to do, but you need to do it, you suspect it could be done quicker, but you don’t know how, we do.

Spreadsheets underpin so many of our most important processes, but manual processes can become complicated, more nuanced, and unique only to you, so more general online apps cost large amounts monthly and only partially solves your problem. Jobs that are, in essence, really simple tasks, can take hours to do in Spreadsheets.

Manual Process DrawbacksGet In Touch

The drawbacks of keeping your manual process.


Increasing Complexity of Manual process

Over time, as the nuance of your business develops and evolves, so do the processes that underpin that business. Making them more prone to errors, harder to track, complete and teach.


Lost Time

As your business grows, the greater the scale of the process. Taking time away from the minds that would be more valuable to you facing other problems.


Processes become harder to teach to new-joiners

Hard to teach process become difficult when on-boarding new joiners. Who have to spend time learning a non-transferable skill, which can demotivate your team to complete their work with quality.


You Create Critical points of failure

It’s never pleasant to receive a call on your holiday because nobody else knows the process like you do. But sometimes it cannot be avoided. If only a few know your critical processes, your company is exposed and faces increased risk should those process-experts leave.


Prone to errors

Humans are wonderful! But Human-error is real. It is hard to ask anyone to be 100% accurate and consistent, 100% of the time but you need that.

Our SolutionsGet In Touch

The difference we can make.

Save you time

We guarantee that our solutions will save you at least 50% of the time that your current processes take. In a lot of cases we have reduced process time but over 90%!

Save you money

You already know that time equals money, we free up your time so it can be better spent where you business needs it most.

Minimal to no training

We provide graphical guides of all of our solutions, so ANYONE in your business can use them!

Drastically reduce errors

Our solutions reduce human error, so the outputs are more consistent and the process is more dependable.

Distributed process/Increased reliability

With a Simplified process and an easy to use guide, your processes will no longer have to depend on only the few who know it, and can be accessible to vastly more people due to increased ease of use.

Connect with IZUN Automation.

Get in touch with us using the form below, or e-mail us at [email protected].